This paper provides advice to the NDIA Board as to an approach to assist participants, their families and carers to develop strategies for their personal safety to enable them to live a full life safely. The rights based framework of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework defines safeguards as actions designed to protect the rights of people to be safe from the risk of harm, abuse and neglect while maximising the choice and control they have over their lives. This definition was further clarified by the WA Disability Services Commission describing safeguards as supports and mechanisms that promote, enhance and protect an individual’s human rights, decision making, choice and control, safety and wellbeing, citizenship and quality of life.
Choice and Control to Safely Live a Good Life of Belonging and Citizenship
Published: June 2021
Organisation: Independent Advisory Council to the NDIS

Format: PDF
Pages: 27
Count: 1991 Views